Personally I don’t think Indians are burried there else the old folks
048 would have known that. Also, Indians don’t
bury that way
(editors note: I have
heard these were slave, or black graves)
049 The old Baker house where I was born and
050 Aunt Jean and Uncle Louis were married - I
remember the ceremony
051 Little bridge over the Barnes Fork going
from Lowndes to the farm
052 First gravel road off Hwy E going to the
053 Looking down the road to where Lowell
Faulkner house was
054 Looking back at the Stop sign at the first
gravel road at Hwy E
055 Present day barn on the old Faulkner site
056 Just a real neat old red barn
056 Gravel road just past Faulkners
057 Same road stretch as it approaches
058 the very steep hill just past Faulkners |